About Us

By joining the Sigma Tau Chapter of the Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society at the Florida State University, you will be exposed to different fields of biology. Guest speakers at our meetings will provide their own perspective and experience on the research and career side of biology. Both biology and non-biology activities are planned for each semester to get our members involved. Through Tri-Beta you will have the opportunity to network with many professors and obtain first-hand news on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities in the FSU Department of Biology and the community. By attending meetings and participating in activities, you can accumulate points toward qualification for Induction as a Regular Member and National Member, as well as Biology Honor Cords for graduation.


Beta Beta Beta Biological Honor Society is a society for students, particularly for undergraduates. Our Sigma Tau Chapter at Florida State University was founded as a branch of the National Organization in 2002, by Drs. Debra Ann Fadool and David Gowan. It seeks to encourage scholarly attainment in this field of learning by reserving its regular membership for those who achieve superior academic records and who indicates special aptitude for and major interest in the life sciences. It desires to cultivate intellectual interest in the natural sciences and to promote a better appreciation of the value of biological study and thus welcomes into associate membership all those students who are interested in biology. Beta Beta Beta also endeavors to extend the boundaries of man's knowledge of nature by encouraging new discoveries through scientific investigation and to this end encourages undergraduate students to begin research work and report their findings in the journal of the society, BIOS. Click here to learn more about BIOS, how to be published, or to review articles. 

It emphasizes, therefore, a three-fold program:

  • Stimulation of scholarship
  • Dissemination of scientific knowledge
  • Promotion of biological research

What is Tri-Beta?

Beta Beta Beta formally defines itself as a professional society for students of the biological sciences. Since its founding in 1922, more than 200,000 people have been inducted nationally. Since it is a society of and for students, particularly for undergraduates majors in a biological science, it is not inaccurate to describe it as a professional society for apprentice biologists, but all majors are welcomed. The constitutional restrictions on chapters and the varied chapter activities give the structural and functional basis for their claim to professional stature.

The functions of Beta Beta Beta as a national organization range from publication of the national journal, BIOS, to the recognition of outstanding individual and chapter accomplishments. For the individual Tri-betan, the local chapter is the heart of Beta Beta Beta. A Tri-Beta chapter offers to its member's activities and experiences that enrich and extend but do not duplicate the primary requirements for the biology major. In a university with a number of biological science departments and a large student body, a chapter can form a coordinating center for undergraduate biological activities; in a small school the chapter can greatly enrich and add to the variety of experiences for all the students.

Deliberately, the national constitution puts few restrictions on membership in Tri-Beta. Regular membership is based on academic achievement in biology and is, in that sense, honorary, but every major in a biological science and many interested students who are no actually majors can qualify for associate membership. Chapters may adapt the requirements to meet the specific needs for their members and department or departments, provided only that they meet national standards.


As a professional society of biologists, Beta Beta Beta cooperated with other professional societies. It is formally affiliated with the American Association for the Advancement of Science. As an affiliate, Beta Beta Beta participates in the governance and programs of the organization. The link to the National Tri-beta and a network of chapters across the country can be found here.


Chapters and Clubs of Beta Beta Beta are located on the campuses of colleges and universities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Ultimate governance of Beta Beta Beta is in the hands of the chapters and student members and is accomplished either through the biennial national conventions or, if necessary, by a poll of chapters. The immediate operation of the national organization is the responsibility of the National Executive Committee which is composed of the elected national officers: President and six Regional Vice Presidents, together with the two most recent Past Presidents. The Secretary-Treasurer, appointed by the national Executive Committee, serves ex officio. Each Vice President may be aided by one or more district Directors. The National Executive Committee meets just prior to the biennial national convention and usually once during the alternate years when no convention is being held. See the constitution for further details.

Click Here for a .PDF version of our Constitution Booklet.

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In order to stay up to date follow us on Instagram and Twitter: @fsutribeta as well as Facebook: FSU Tri-Beta Biological Honors Society, Canvas and Nole Central. 

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